About jambbal

He lived mostly in the 20th century, but his age was timeless.

His parents were European, but his racial and ethnic roots were blended from all people.

His language was Italian and broken English, but his words transcended any single tongue.

His occupation was constructing new buildings of the world, but his mission was constructing bridges of understanding for the people of the world.

His tools were words, but as a man of few, he chose parables.

He believed in the message of ages, the message conveyed by the great messengers, the message of the Supreme Being.

He believed in the message of Jesus, founder of Christianity, to love one another, be kind and forgiving to the lowest wretch or vilest sinner, and treat others as you would have them treat you.

He believed in the message of Abraham, father of multitudes including the Arabic and Israeli tribes, who avowed one Supreme Being and our common ancestry.

He believed in the message of Muhammad, founder of Islam, who proclaimed the truth of prior prophets and extolled the virtue of peaceful submission and obedience to the Supreme Being.

He believed in the message of the Buddha, the enlightened one, founder of Buddhism, which teaches clarity and understanding of the universe through contemplation and awakening to the meaning of existence.

He believed in the message of Baha’u’llah, founder of the Baha’i faith, which embraces all faiths, all prophets, and the unification of humanity through universal peace.

He believed in the fables of Aesop, whose complex moral lessons were simplified into short, easily understood stories about humans, animals and nature that still have meaning.

He believed in the message of Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, which encourages one to live life simply, intuitively, unforced and with love, ever mindful of opposing forces that combine to complete the whole of anything.

He believed in all these messengers, and all their messages, which he believed was really only one message from one Supreme Being.

And so, he decided to try to be another messenger for this place, this time, these people, and beyond. And he took the name jambbal to symbolize those before him and in whom he believed and regarded.

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